The Suffolk

  • Company/Studio
    JG Neukomm Architecture
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Jean-Gabriel Neukomm
  • Design Team
    Christopher Chew, Jianfei Zhao, Ran Tian, Alice Rose, Matthew Gray
  • Client
    Gotham Organization
  • Credits
    Scott Frances
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Project Website

The Suffolk is a new 30-story residential building located in the Lower East Side of Manhattan and includes roughly 360 units and 18,000 square feet of common space. To respond authentically to the neighborhood’s rich cultural and social kaleidoscope, our approach was informed by an engaged kind of storytelling. Using complexity and layering as design tools, we sought to mirror the urban surroundings’ dense historical and architectural palimpsest. The result is a unique series of spaces that are nonetheless linked to the historical continuum of the LES.

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