Suspension House

  • Company/Studio
    Fougeron Architecture
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Anne Fougeron
  • Design Team
    Todd Aranaz, Niraj Kapadia, Mariana Alberola, Fionnuala Bhreathnach, Ana Finkelstein,
  • Client
    Name withheld at owners request
  • Credits
    Photographer: Joe Fletcher
  • Prize
    Winner in Architecture/Refurbishment
  • Project Website

Suspended between two beautiful California hills, this remodel spans a creek and boasts a waterfall in the backyard. A human-made object in nature may exist in harmony or disparity. Our goal was to deepen this home’s connection to the environment, creating a place where our clients can live immersed within an exceptional landscape. Taking care to protect and restore the land, we suspended the renovated house between two wooded hills, where it overlooks a rushing waterfall and spans the creek below. To build such a house anew is no longer allowed in California, but following strict guidelines

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