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    苏 门
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    Winner in Graphic Design/Packaging

既不晚·CHA JI,品牌创立于2022年,主要经营茶饮、茶酒、茶点以及茶周边产品等。 JI BWILL CHA JI was founded in 2022 and mainly deals with tea drinks, tea wine, desserts and tea products. 既不晚的第一家茶空间,位于浙江省绍兴柯桥古镇街区,独立一座古式小楼,上下两层,面积249m²。店里,白日卖茶,夜黑贩酒,偶作小集,也时常会有小型艺术活动。 Their first tea store is located in Keqiao, Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, in a small independent ancient building with two floors, an area of 249 m². The store sells tea by day, wine by night, occasional small gatherings, and small art events.

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