Masks of Fruits

  • Company/Studio
    Mengdom Design Lab
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Meng-Chih Chiang
  • Design Team
    Pei Rong Lu
  • Client
    Pingtung County Government
  • Credits
    Photo by Ti-Kai Chen / Seekai Studio
  • Prize
    Winner in Graphic Design/Colorfoul project

During the pandemic, how can we effectively promote agricultural products while also enhancing the city's image? The Pingtung County Government took an exclusive initiative by introducing delightful facial masks featuring seven signature fruits. These masks not only alleviated the challenges posed by the pandemic but also united its citizens in the fight against the virus. The masks gained immense popularity among both local residents and visitors, with over two million masks being swiftly distributed as soon as they were manufactured. Trendy fashion was created, while lives were saved.

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