• Lead Designer(s)
    Ma Guochao
  • Design Team
    Ma Guochao, Zhu Fangwen, Lin Yi,Yin Yuanbo, Hu Xiaowei, Yao Jiamin, Shi Yiwei, Lu Yan
  • Prize
    Winner in Architecture/Commercial & Offices

An ideal future community to accept the way of life of the next generation will be created by integrating trendy play, art, coffee, and other aspects in ANLIAN HONGYUE, a diverse environment with young people as the major audience. ANLIAN HONGYUE has thoughtfully designed a varied area, incorporating art into each crevice. Young people have a platform to understand and express art thanks to the works of art on the walls, the original exhibitions in the display area, and the artistic workshops. Here, they can interact with other art enthusiasts, run into inspiration, and work together to establ

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