Port Phillip Creative Wayfinding

  • Company/Studio
    Arterial Design
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Jan Nowell
  • Design Team
    Micaela Cancino & Nick Lawson
  • Client
    City of Port Phillip
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Project Website

Arterial design have recently completed a creative wayfinding signage design and production for the City of Port Phillip. The project aim was to increase awareness of, and traffic between, the vibrant creative industries and communities based throughout St Kilda and surrounding areas, and enable easy wayfinding between popular pedestrian hubs. Identified as ST KILDA Arts Precinct, the wayfinding unites all creative industry locations, highlighting walking distances, accompanied by a simple “you are here” map. The colorful beacons, incites intrigue and exploration throughout the precinct.

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