Seven Continuous White Vaults—Renovation of Yuanquan Children's Library

  • Company/Studio
    Yuan Ye Architects
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Yuan Ye
  • Design Team
    Yuan Ye , Wang Wei
  • Client
    Yuanquan Children Library
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Project Website

After careful study of the original plan and site survey, the architect decided to take advantage of the limitations of the dense column network and space division to implant another new space form—a vault, "eliminate" the existence of columns, transform the fragmented and impersonal parallel space into a "spiritual" space, accommodate the function of children's reading hall, and create a highly recognizable and symbolic learning place. The space on the south side forms a service space of the reading hall through the partition, including the reception desk, office room, and toilets.

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