Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India Ltd. Head Office

  • Company/Studio
    Mandviwala Qutub and Associates
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Qutub Mandviwala
  • Design Team
    Kuldeep Patil, Mahesh Zinzad
  • Client
    Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India Ltd.
  • Credits
    Photo By - Rishul Bangar
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Project Website

The structure is designed to break the monotony of architecture in government projects and make a mark in the city creating it a monumental building. Integrating traditional values of Vaastu into modern parametric design, an iconic structure with state-of-the-art facilities was created in the heart of Mumbai. The design incorporates use of the existing site conditions i.e. the existing trees along with magnificent landscape, making space for a public plaza, central courtyard, and water bodies. The aim was to come up with the design of an ultramodern iconic office structure.

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