All Things Beautiful

  • Company/Studio
    Florida Museum of Natural History In-House Graphics Department
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Hollis H. Wooley
  • Design Team
    Andreina Hornez Peralta, Creative Director; Photographs by: Kristen B. Grace, Edited by: Beverly Sensbach, Text by: Heather Dewar
  • Client
    Florida Museum of Natural History Director's Office
  • Credits
    Kristen B. Grace
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Project Website

Natural history museums are libraries of life. All Things Beautiful: Wonders from the Collections of the Florida Museum of Natural History reveals some of the remarkable animals, plants, fossils, and cultural heritage materials that make up the 40 million+ specimens and objects of the Florida Museum of Natural History. Created to celebrate the 100th anniversary of its designation as the state museum, All Things Beautiful was conceived as both a fine art photography book and an exploration of the collections and history of the Florida Museum of Natural History at the University of Florida.

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