Nan Fung Group SEWIT Branding

  • Company/Studio
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Malou Ko
  • Design Team
    Crystal Chan
  • Client
    Nan Fung Group
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Project Website

Nan Fung Group established “SEWIT” as a sustainable framework that engages the entire company and our stakeholders with five strategic pillars: Social Cohesion, Environment, Wellness, Innovation, and Technology. Turning purpose into impact through a thread of good acts. The identity design falls back to the founding of the company, cotton yarn production. The 5 pillars of vision are represented in 5 different colours of fabric patches. There are threads sewing them together, forming a better planet. The bright colour tone and bold lines give a commitment, forward and energetic feeling.

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