One Infinity Academy Kindergarten

  • Company/Studio
    Horizon & Atmosphere Landscape Co.
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Lu Yinhan
  • Design Team
    Zhang Qingwen ,Yu Hao , Lin Ting , Wu Yadi, Huang Tsunyu
  • Client
    Pulo China
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention

In the natural environment, we don't need to publicize the meaning of spring planting and autumn harvest, or explain the relationship between tadpoles and frogs, or systematically explain the significance of protecting the environment. Through outdoor courses, children can naturally understand and learn the laws of nature, develop their imagination and creativity, and appreciate the meaning of ecology in the joyful play and observation. By personally experiencing the hard work of planting and the joy of harvesting, children can freely exercise their ability to communicate in group activities.

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