Y&A Apartment

  • Company/Studio
    Moya Arterior
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Yachen Wu
  • Design Team
    Yen-Ching Wang , Yi-Chi Wang
  • Client
    Yulia & Alex
  • Credits
    Photo by Suiyu Studio
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Project Website

The walls are covered in limestone powder mineral paint. It brings our clients back home Israel , where such white grey stones are abundant. Matched with travertine and wood furnishing, a space is built for someone ready to embrace new with nostalgia. A corner with wooden frames is a private place for rejuvenation. The wood frame sets boundaries as someone from outside cannot look in. What is needed is a meditation space. Large floor windows with meticulously placed large mirrors let natural light to spill into various areas, extending the home infinitely.

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