Reshine Community

  • Company/Studio
    Vivien Luo
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Vivien Luo
  • Client
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Project Website

Introduction Reshine community is an interactive platform designed to help resale shoppers access transparency, solve questions, and streamline the shopping experience on a resale site, reinforce sustainability awareness. Designed to solve customers’ problems with shopping, and also help connect with like-minded people, Reshine demonstrates a fun and meaningful experience for the resale shopping experience. Not only is the service streamlined for the resale brands, but also customers are able to contribute to eco-welfare. This circle runs beyond shopping to eco-friendliness.

You can create multiple entries, and pay for them at the same time.
Just go to your History, and select multiple entries that you would like to pay for.