Leça do Balio 2 House

  • Company/Studio
    Raulino Silva Arquitecto
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Raulino Silva
  • Client
  • Credits
    Photo: Raulino Silva
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Project Website

Leça do Balio II House is located in a plot of about 2400 sqm, in the Chantre allotment, in Matosinhos, Portugal. The project occupies all the area permited by the allotment regulation, with 250 sqm per floor. In the basement we have the garage, the cinema, the laundry and a suite for the guests. In the grounfloor there is the living room, the kitchen and the office. In the upper floor we have four suites, all of them with a closet and a private bathroom. Beyond the staircase the horizontal communication between the diferrent floors is made by an elevator.

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