Apartment X

  • Company/Studio
    Office AIO
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Tim Kwan + Isabelle Sun
  • Design Team
    Xiao Yang, Steven Tse
  • Client
  • Credits
    Photos: Wen Studio
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Project Website

Apartment X is nestled in heart of Beijing. The clients, both of them avid travellers professionally and leisurely, will share a life child-free with two dogs. The design relinquishes a pre-existing bedroom to create a disproportionately large "East meet West" enclosed-but-open kitchen/dining social space.Rendering the tradition of using the TV(living) room as primary social space a thing of the past. The design process was a mutual practice, it was also one for the designer, to ponder what modern living is to our contemporaries: a restful space that brings connection and interaction back home

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