Pàng Mèi Noodle Bar

  • Company/Studio
    Office AIO
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Tim Kwan, Isabelle Sun
  • Design Team
    Xiao Yang, Xue Zhao, Steven Tse
  • Client
    Pàng Mèi Noodle Bar
  • Credits
    Photos: Wen Studio
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Project Website

Pàng Mèi (Chubby Girl) brand is a noodle bar specialising in "Xiao Mian" a street snack deeply rooted in and originated from Chongqing. Office AIO drew inspiration from the multilayered verticality of Chongqing's idiosyncratic cityscape and its "cyber-age" characteristics rendered by neon lights, rapid urbanisation, foot bridges woven slender high-rise towers and the city's adaptive spirit. Located in a mall in the heart of Beijing, the resulting space not only streamlines practical challenges of a high turnover demand, but does so in a space that speaks to the cuisine's origins and culture.

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