silent black - zinc studio

  • Company/Studio
    Zinc Studio
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Shin Ng
  • Design Team
    Kim Yam , Heather Ng
  • Client
    zinc studio
  • Credits
    steven ko
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention

The design is dominated by black.In the workshop, the walls are adorned with black high fiber wood strips,which reinforces the grand scale of this industrial style office,while presenting detailed articulation of the designed space. The strips,while masking any hint of a door,provides a great backdrop for a working space that is unified,consistent and simple. Polished concrete and cast iron are other shades of black for flooring and a center island table in the kitchen.They further add to the industrial touch of the workspace:strong and durable,representation of the work ethic of the office.

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