
  • University/School
    National Taipei University of Education
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Sun Yu-Chieh, Prof. Kai-Chu Li
  • Design Team
    Sun Yu-Chieh, Chang Yen, Chien Yu-Chieh, Chou Yueh-Ju, Prof. Li Kai-Chu
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Project Website

An online interactive game toy set for children to collect and cook virtual ingredients. Kids collect foods integrated with virtual and reality in the market, so as to understand prototype foods, reduce future dependence on processed foods, and improve their chances of going outsides. Then, the kids can use the ipad through a variety of cooking props with touch points to play cooking games and learn food culture. DigiToy can also create cross-border exchanges, allowing foreign peers to assist in shooting and collecting unique ingredients from other places to jointly create special dishes.

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