Taikang Dental Wuhan

  • Company/Studio
    Wit Design & Research
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Zhenhua Luo
  • Design Team
    Zhenhua Luo, Rui Tao, Qianxuan Niu , Gongpu Zhao, Yanli Zhang , Changxin Tian, Wenyi Chen
  • Client
    Taikang Group
  • Credits
    Zheng Yan、One Thousand Degrees
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Project Website

Taikang Dental Wuhan is the first high-end dental clinic in China operating via an insurance model. Despite the serious impact of the epidemic, the dental clinic is profitable. It has been built as space to offset people's fear of dental treatment. It is located on the 29th floor of a high-rise building and is currently the highest dental clinic in China. The Ancient Chinese believed that a higher building means being closer to heaven, and this also allows patients to experience the feeling of "being treated above the clouds". The clinic has an area of 1,000 square meters.

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