MAGISTER UT Living Aesthetics Pavilon

  • Company/Studio
    Hangzhou Rongdi Architectural Design Co., Ltd.
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Johnny Hu
  • Design Team
    Yutong Kan
  • Client
    Hangzhou Marunqi Furniture Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
  • Prize
    Winner in Interior Design/Civic buildings
  • Project Website

This is the world's first supersized living aesthetics pavilion inspired by the film ARRIVAL, with connection and emotion as its themes. Derived from space shuttles, various elliptical structures adopted visually soften and enlarge the space, while bringing a futuristic look. Besides, the natural colors, lighting and material textures used create a simple and comfortable ambience, emotionally connecting the space and visitors via a home-like style. The above two integrated subtly blend visual art and living aesthetics, providing an immersive home living experience space, magical and surreal.

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