Bottle Dinastia Magnum

  • Company/Studio
    Vista Alegre
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Vista Alegre Design Studio
  • Design Team
    Vista Alegre Atlantis Design Studio
  • Client
    Vista Alegre Atlantis SA
  • Prize
    Winner in Product Design/Home-ware & accessories
  • Project Website

The great complexity of production and the delicacy of this sculptural crystal bottle justify a limited edition of only thirty-three units. The covering that covers it is like an imperial cloak, finely worked, allowing the body to be glimpsed through the transparencies of the cut work. All elements are brought together by the engraved steel neck and topped by a powerful solid stopper,with a dynamic cuts and engraving on the top. The liquid inside creates an enchanting effect as it appears to float inside a richly crafted cover. A mysterious and valuable piece. A limited edition, of 33 pieces.

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