Fashion Museum Antwerp Wayfinding Design

  • Company/Studio
    /STUDIOMDA wayfinding design
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Luciana Mattiello
  • Design Team
    Luciana Mattiello, Daniella Dotto, Maria Clara Chedid, Thaís Andrade, Jonathan Severo
  • Client
    Fashion Museum Antwerp
  • Credits
    Photography: Carlo Prearo
  • Prize
    Winner in Graphic Design/Communication design
  • Project Website

World-famous for its immersive exhibitions, the Fashion Museum Antwerp houses a collection of contemporary Belgian fashion. Simplifying the museum´s many complex factors and creating the strategy for that significant project required an immersive process to comprehend how people inhabit and navigate the space. In our design, delicate insertions were made without the help of substrates. We drew from the color palette and graphic resources of the brand and created custom pictograms and 3D elements. The system is in Dutch and English, addressing the international audience of Antwerp.

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