GREAM Modern Realm Experience Center

  • Company/Studio
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Chunlei Sun
  • Design Team
    Assistant Designer:Xingmin Xia, Qingzhou Fu, Yang Cao, Jianyang Sun, Jiawei Chen, Chengfei Yang
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention

The current culture is full of speed and noise. Architectural design seems to often abandon the experiential elements of time, ignore the gradual psychological feelings and the duration of time, and focus on the impact brought by immediacy and explosiveness, making the glitz even worse. People began to yearn for more concise architecture and more natural "slow" life, just like the space experience presented by the experience center in this case. The modern and simple architecture, with the "sacred deer" as a guide, mobilizes all the history, culture, atmosphere and environment of Xianyang...

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