AMPC Annual Report 2020

  • Company/Studio
    Another Colour
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Steve Scott
  • Design Team
    Tulz Badonszki, Luke Darcy, Arielle Adrias
  • Client
    Australian Meat Processor Corporation
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Project Website

The Australian Meat Processor Corporation (AMPC) champions sustainability and innovation for the industry, the single largest exporter of Australian food products. For the 2020 Annual Report, a photoshoot was not possible due to Covid restrictions, so AMPC’s future-facing spirit was presented in a report illustrated entirely in 3D. Models were rendered in futuristic fibreglass and the colour palette was inspired by machine labs and protective plastics. Through a series of workshops, we collaborated with engineers to incorporate authentic robotic models and develop supply chain infographics.

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