ZESTY Widespread bathroom sink tap by Awa Faucet

  • Company/Studio
    Tsangkuo Industrial
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Christian Laudet
  • Client
    AWA Faucet
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Project Website

The Zesty reinvents the typical 3-point faucet aesthetic with its contemporary visuals. The design not only breaks many conventions, but also challenges the usual balance that’s become such a safety net in this genre. It pushes the boundaries with its twisty neck that holds a hidden waterway. The sheer technical challenge of achieving this look tests the limits and achieves new feats of innovative manufacturing. The twists and turns are finished in a sleek finish and the handles are designed in the most ergonomic fashion to accommodate easy water adjustment and general maneuverability

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