Liberté Café

  • Company/Studio
    Corvin Cristian Studio
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Corvin Cristian
  • Design Team
    Serban Rosca, Petru Lalut
  • Client
    George Pop, Andrei Moroianu
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Project Website

Liberté sells "Tartes, café, champagne" hence the recipe consists of a variety of French flavored ingredients: the floral pattern "carreaux a ciment", the bar is a close relative of the "bar a zinc", the "bleue" is Provence specific and a reclaimed grand French door allows for a theatrical access of the "Chef" from the glass laboratory. A replica of Brancusi's round "table of silence" is a good reminder to the clients of Liberté about "égalité and fraternité". Since coffee itself is not exactly memorable in France we built the barista space as an independent house in a house, Japanese perhaps

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