ISY SANYA International Electronic Music Festival Brand Design

  • Company/Studio
    Wws (Beijing) Cultural Propagation Co.,ltd
  • Lead Designer(s)
  • Design Team
  • Client
    Zhongmin cultural media development
  • Prize
    Winner in Graphic Design/Branding / Winner in Graphic Design/Key art (Posters, covers, illustration)

Isy Music Festival is a super large music festival in China. Isy organizes this global carnival with the tropical flavor of Hainan island every year. Isy 2019 Nye creates a new group of "deer people" with the legend design of sea, sky and mountain in Sanya City of China, and integrates the story of love and natural power into its landmark stage design, making it the most innovative music festival in China. Isy Music Festival is not only a place for music fans to jump and have fun, but also a place for other cultures and fashionable life.

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