Cloud Storage Box

  • University/School
    Macau University of Science and Technology
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Jiayi Cai
  • Design Team
    JiaLiang Cai : Multidisciplinary Designer,ZhiPing Chen: Material Engineering Department at UBC,ShaoShi Yan is the instructor.
  • Credits
    ShaoShi Yan is the instructor.
  • Prize
    Winner in Product Design/Design for people

Clouds which looks comfortable and soft on the desktop is a storage box with some small protective people a warm feeling and also an innovative method of storage.and the process will become comfortable when we're using it.The plate on the top of the container allows the user to put small objects in some places which are easy to access, and the storage box below it acts as a paper towel box and piggy bank. At the same time, this design comes from our change of the behaviors of the storage and preservation.people will have a good mood and new feeling.

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