Marques de Casa Concha - Black Label

  • Company/Studio
    Ximena Ureta
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Ximena Ureta
  • Design Team
    Art Direction and Design: Ximena Ureta, Graphic Design (MCC Monogram creator): Luis Piano, Graphic Design: Felipe Estay, Production: Juan Rojas
  • Client
    Concha y Toro
  • Credits
    Photo by: Diego Agurto
  • Prize
    Winner in Graphic Design/Packaging
  • Project Website

Etiqueta Negra (Black Label) belongs to the Fine Wine Collection category of the Concha y Toro winery, top of the line wine within the Marqués de Casa Concha portfolio. Its dark and deep flavor, the unctuous flavors of cherry, cassis or also known as blackcurrant, cedar, blackberry, black tar in addition to a certain presence of graphite. The use of copper color for the brand was born from the need to represent the richness of the Chilean soil, thus merging the mineral and agricultural world, two main sources for the development of this country.

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