unbot inc. office

  • Company/Studio
    Prism Design
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Tomohiro Katsuki
  • Design Team
    Prism Design
  • Client
    Unbot Inc.
  • Credits
    PHOTO by Wataru Ishida
  • Prize
    Winner in Interior Design/Workplace
  • Project Website

Möbius loop production office of unbot inc. PRISM DESIGN provided an office design for UNBOT—an information technology service company. In IT industry, technology renewing in a very fast speed. So that the scale of a company would also expands quickly. That requires the office design to leave the elasticity space for the future expansion. Also, communication is significantly important for people in IT industry. The easier a conversation would be hold, the more productive people would be to work here. In this design, we'd like to create a space that could accommodate both various of communi

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