Maringá FC Rebranding

  • Company/Studio
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Alexandre Nami
  • Design Team
    Alexandre Nami, Thiago Rodrigues, Nelson Junior
  • Client
    Maringá Futebol Clube
  • Credits
    Account Manager: Pedro Nami
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Project Website

Maringá Futebol Clube represents soccer in the city of Maringá since 2010, currently playing in the 1st division of the State League and the 4th division of the National League. In 2018 the project for repositioning of the club began, with the design of a new logo, uniforms, advertising materials and the development of a typography. With the the new club board, more transparent and innovative, one of the main objectives for the club was to have its own identity and history, hence the need for something exclusive, resulting in the new brand that shows what the club is today.

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