ThreeSixty Group Headquarters

  • Company/Studio
    Studio X Limited
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Rufus Turnbull & Sam Bradley
  • Design Team
    Rufus Turnbull, Sam Bradley, Jessica Young, Valerie Kwong, Cinda Ki
  • Client
    Threesixty Group
  • Credits
    Photo: Pocky Chan
  • Prize
    Winner in Interior Design/Workplace
  • Project Website

Studio X created a space that could be a global showcase for this highly innovative and fast-paced US company. The project represents an intersection between workplace, showroom, and retail – in the shape of a prototype FAO Schwartz store, also designed by Studio X. The project also features a series of custom designed illustrations capturing the attitude of the company and the spirit of Hong Kong. Studio X was responsible for concept to completion including full tender management and site supervision.

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